Social Emotional Services

Social and Emotional Learning is about helping students develop a range of skills they need for school and life. Social-Emotional skills include the ability to:

  • make friends 
  • set and achieve positive goals 
  • work in a group
  • feel and show empathy for others 
  • establish and maintain positive relationships 
  • make responsible decisions 
  • understand and manage emotions 

The above  skills are necessary to have a cohesive unit in the classroom. Learning how to function well with others, one on one or in a group, is a skill that will aid the child in not only their first 12 years of education but builds a foundation for the rest of their life. We know understand, from the last 10 years of research, that  social and emotional learning (SEL) is fundamental to academic success. This must be woven into the work of the student experience at all levels, if we hope to prepare the child for college life and community life. 

As a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist I have had the unique ability to work in a school setting environment for most of my career, meeting the needs of students in the school setting and setting goals that they can achieve to aid them in success.  The cohesiveness of working with teachers, administrators, parents and students leads to a partnership that breeds success. I have experience with SST, 504, IEPs and am available for meetings and collaboration as well as, individual and group counseling to meet IEP goals. 

Contact Us




Office Hours


9:30 am-5:00 pm


9:30 am-5:00 pm


9:30 am-5:00 pm


9:30 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-2:00 pm





Social Emotional Skill Building